Child’s Dental Needs

Pediatric Dentistry Specialists for Child’s Dental Needs in Houston, TX

Child’s Dental Needs and female child smiling

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Dental Association parents should establish a “dental home” for their children by the time that they turn one. It’s extremely important to start an oral hygiene routine at a young age to promote healthy habits.

It’s through early examinations and preventative dental care that you can protect your child’s smile now and in the future. It’s shown that children who have an established dental home will be more likely to receive the appropriate preventive and routine oral health care. We believe your child’s dental needs should be a priority in your household.

Importance of a Pediatric Dental Specialist for Children

You may be wondering when is the right time to take my child to the dentist. It would be best if you took your child to a pediatric dental specialist as soon as their first tooth popped out. A child needs to go to a pediatric dental specialist as soon as possible to teach children good oral habits, treat dental problems promptly, and create a positive childhood experience, so they don’t grow into an adult hating the dentist. When you bring your child to a pediatric dentist, you can have peace of mind knowing they know precisely how to deal with little ones. They will use special tricks and techniques to make your children feel as comfortable as possible.

Unlike a general dentist, a pediatric dental specialist will have the proper equipment and know different health conditions, concerns, and issues specifically for children. Trust our pediatric specialist at Pinnacle Pediatric Dentistry when it’s time for your child to go to the dentist. We will do everything in our power to ensure your child receives the proper care and leaves with a positive experience. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment! We proudly offer services to children throughout Houston, TX.

Preventative child dental care includes but is not limited to:

    • Routinely brushing and flossing
    • Proper nutrition and dietary habits
    • Fluoride rinse
    • Regular dental visits
    • Oral health education
    • Evaluating oral growth and development
    • Guidance of erupting teeth
    • Sealants

For Babies

  • Wipe gums with a clean, soft cloth at least twice a day
  • When newly-erupted teeth come in, start brushing twice a day with a small toothbrush and water
  • When your baby turns one, visit a dentist for kids

For Children

  • Help your children brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste
  • 1 out of 5 children ages 5 to 11 years old will have some type of untreated decayed tooth
  • Ask our dentist about cavities, sealants, and more

Child's Dental Needs

Cavity Prevention

Baby teeth are just as susceptible to cavities as adult teeth, but it’s just as important to address them quickly. Cavities in children are extremely painful and can lead to other issues, such as infections and even more cavities. They can also lead to more serious conditions, including overbites and bite alignment problems, which can impede the development of adult teeth. Unaddressed cavities in baby teeth can cause just as many health issues as cavities in adult teeth. Your child’s oral health impacts his or her overall health. Preventing cavities and quickly fixing any cavities that you do find will do wonders for your child’s dental comfort and overall health.

Preventing cavities requires diligence when it comes to oral care, so it’s never too early to teach your child good habits. Daily brushing and flossing, regular use of age-appropriate mouthwash, and keeping sugary treats to a minimum will do wonders and serve your child well for a lifetime.

Preparing Your Child for the Dentist

If your child has never been to the dentist before, it’s important to prepare him or her for the experience. Proper preparation will pave the way for a positive early experience, which helps your child avoid anxiety about the dentist into adulthood. 

  • Start talking about the dentist before your child’s appointment. Tell them about what will happen to give them an idea of what to expect. 
  • Read books or watch videos about going to the dentist in advance. When kids see their favorite characters having positive experiences at the dentist, it helps put a positive spin on the experience. 
  • Playing “dentist” at home can help to demystify the experience. Break out your child’s toothbrush and have them sit in a chair while you pretend to be the dentist and brush their teeth. Talk about what you’re doing; count and clean their teeth while mentioning why oral hygiene is so important. 
  • Studies show that parents can pass dental anxiety on to their children. So, even if you don’t like the dentist, be careful not to let it show in front of your child. Discuss the dentist in positive terms instead. 
  • While it’s good for your child to have positive knowledge of the dentist in advance, wait to tell them about their appointment until that morning. That way, they still have time to be emotionally prepared, but too much notice could lead to a lot of anxiety. 
  • If your child is feeling nervous about the dentist, let them know it’s completely normal to feel this way. Use positive reinforcement here; praise their bravery in facing their fears and let them know that every visit gets easier. 
  • If your child has a favorite toy or stuffed animal, bring it with you to the first dentist appointment so your child has a friend to hug. 

Contact Our Dentists for Kids Today!

To take care of your child’s dental needs, bring them into our dental office. Choosing a dentist who specializes in treating kids is important as you will be working with a reliable staff that is trained to handle a wide range of issues associated with kids’ dental health. Our dentist for kids can help find problems or potential problems early on and develop a care plan to prevent further issues. We strive to help kids get used to visiting the dentist which helps lessen the fear about going as they get older.

Looking to schedule your child’s first visit or switch to a new pediatric dentist? Then we invite you to contact Pinnacle Pediatric Dentistry to schedule an appointment at our Houston, Texas dentist office today! We are committed to high-quality pediatric dental care.