Pediatric Oral Hygiene

Pediatric Oral Health Services in Houston, TX

Oral Hygiene and male child smiling

Are you looking for a pediatric dental specialist in the Houston, TX area? Look no further! At Pinnacle Pediatric Dentistry, we offer a kid-friendly environment filled with professionals that are committed to your child’s dental needs. From the time of your child’s first visit, our staff will keep them smiling and make sure they are comfortable.

It’s important that parents begin practicing proper oral hygiene routines with their babies at an early age. An oral health routine should start when your baby begins cutting teeth and evolve with them as they grow into adolescence and adulthood.

Generally, children start cutting their first teeth between 6 and 12 months. Newly-erupted teeth cause the gums to be sore and tender. This can quickly become irritating for your child.

To soothe newly-erupted teeth, we recommend the following:

  • Rub their sore gums with a clean finger or a clean, cold washcloth as this will help soothe the gums.
  • Put a teething ring in your fridge or freezer, but make sure the product is BPA-free.

Once your child has finished teething, you should expect them to have a total of 20 primary teeth! If your child has newly-erupted teeth and you aren’t sure if things are going well, contact our pediatric dentistry office.

Here are some tips for developing proper oral hygiene habits and routines for your baby/child:

  • After feedings, it’s recommended that you gently clean their gums with a soft infant toothbrush or a soft cloth and water.
  • Once teeth begin to erupt and show then you can begin to brush their teeth twice a day using a fluoridated toothpaste along with the proper and age-appropriate toothbrush.
  • Avoid baby bottle cavities by never using a bottle as a pacifier and if you must give your baby a bottle at bedtime/nap-time it should contain plain water.

By the age of three all twenty of your child’s teeth should be present.  At this time you should already have an established oral hygiene routine that your child is comfortable with. Additionally, healthy eating habits can reduce the risk of your child developing cavities and this will ultimately lead to healthy teeth.

From Newly-Erupted Teeth to a Fully Grown Primary Set, We Can Handle All of Your Child’s Dental Needs

At Pinnacle Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Shaw and his pediatric dental care team strive to inform both parents and their children on the most effective oral hygiene techniques, from newly-erupted teeth to the full primary set. If you are looking for a new dentist for kids, want to schedule an appointment, or to learn more about pediatric oral hygiene, contact our Houston, TX dentist office today! We care about your child’s dental needs and strive to make them as comfortable as possible.

Other Ways To Care For Newly-Erupted Teeth

Getting a brand new tooth can be so exciting for you and your little one. It is also important how to consider taking good care of it so that it can stay healthy and do its job for a long time.

  • Make sure the toothbrush you’re using is appropriate for your child
  • Ask your dentist if you should be brushing with water, toothpaste, or both
  • If your baby is teething, the gums will be tender. Don’t brush too hard!
  • Try to keep your child’s sugar consumption down, this will help avoid cavities

It is also important that your child sees a pediatric dentist every six months. Seeing a pediatric dentist for an oral exam and teeth cleaning helps keep your child’s teeth healthy, and lets you learn more about their oral health and how to care for their mouth properly. So make sure your toddler sees a qualified pediatric dentist like our team at Pinnacle Pediatric Dentistry every six months for a check-up!

Dealing with a teething baby? Click here to view our simple guide to teething

Importance of Regular Checkups for Pediatric Dental Care

Ensuring you have good oral health as an adult starts as a child. Taking care of your baby teeth is important because it paves the way for permanent adult teeth. As soon as your child’s first tooth erupts, or they are nearing their first birthday, it is time to make an appointment with a pediatric dentist. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that about 20 percent of children ages 5-11 suffer from tooth decay. Receiving regular checkups will allow your dentist to try and prevent decay and uncover potential oral health problems in the early stages. Pediatric dental care consists of checking proper tooth and jaw development, counting teeth, looking for gum issues, hygienic cleaning, and more!

Pediatric dental care is essential to ensure your child’s oral health stays on track developing healthy teeth and gums. Most adults fear going to the dentist; regular checkups at an early age will help stop that fear. At Pinnacle Pediatric Dentistry, we will make your children feel comfortable and teach them the proper way to care for their teeth. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment. Our pediatric dental care services will provide your children with healthy sparkling teeth! We welcome children throughout Houston, TX.