Teething Guide

Pediatric Dentistry Guide for Your Child’s Dental Needs

Teething can be a difficult and confusing time in your child’s early development, especially if you are not sure what to look for. The graphic below provides information to help you properly navigate the teething process and ensure you are meeting your child’s dental needs. From six months of age to two years, different teeth will erupt from the gums at various points, typically beginning with the front teeth and ending with the second molars. You can look for certain signs in your baby to know when these eruptions are occurring, such as excessive drooling and a loss of appetite. You can help to soothe your baby by massaging his or her gums, providing something cold but not freezing to chew on, and, in extreme cases, using pain medication. Please feel free to contact our pediatric dental specialists with any further questions.

Baby Teething Facts